What is an Erne in Pickleball: Unleash Your Aggressive Style

An Erne in pickleball is when a player steps outside the inner part of the court and on the other side of either the right or left sideline, coming forward to be parallel with the kitchen but standing outside the kitchen on the other side of the sideline. This aggressive shot is struck out of the air close to the net.

The Erne shot is named after Erne Perry, a professional player known for his exceptional skill in executing this move. His proficiency in performing this shot led to its christening as the Erne shot. This daring and advanced skilled shot is used mostly in highly competitive play and adds excitement and strategy to the game of pickleball.

Understanding The Erne Shot

html Understanding the Erne Shot

The Erne shot is a daring and aggressive move in the game of pickleball. It involves stepping outside the inner part of the court and on the other side of either the right or left sideline, then moving forward to be parallel with the kitchen while actually standing outside the kitchen on the other side of the sideline. This shot is executed while the ball is in the air and very close to the net. It is an advanced technique that requires precision and timing to master.

Definition And Explanation Of The Erne Shot

The Erne shot is named after Erne Perry, a professional pickleball player known for his exceptional skill in performing this bold move. This shot involves a player moving outside the court and positioning themselves on the other side of the sideline, parallel to the kitchen but still outside of it. The player then strikes the ball out of the air, very close to the net. The Erne shot is a powerful and unexpected move that can catch opponents off guard.

How The Erne Shot Is Executed

The key to executing the Erne shot is positioning and timing. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to perform it:

  1. Anticipation: As the ball is being hit by your opponent, anticipate whether it will be a shot that allows you to perform the Erne.
  2. Movement: Start moving towards the sideline, ensuring you stay outside the court boundaries. Position yourself parallel to the kitchen, but still outside of it.
  3. Timing: As the ball approaches the net, time your jump or strike, ensuring you make contact with the ball while it’s in the air.
  4. Placement: Aim to hit the ball close to the net, putting pressure on your opponents and making it difficult for them to return the shot.

Utilizing The Erne Shot Strategically

The Erne shot can be a game-changer when used strategically. Here are a few tips on how to make the most out of this technique:

  • Surprise your opponents: By using the Erne shot sparingly and unpredictably, you can catch your opponents off guard and gain an advantage in the game.
  • Target weak spots: Identify areas where your opponents are vulnerable, such as their weak backhand or slow reaction time, and use the Erne shot to exploit those weaknesses.
  • Mix up your shots: Incorporate the Erne shot into a variety of shots and strategies to keep your opponents guessing and prevent them from adapting to your playing style.

Mastering the Erne shot requires practice and experience. It is a high-risk, high-reward move that can elevate your pickleball game to the next level, but it should be used judiciously and strategically. With dedication and skill, the Erne shot can become a powerful weapon in your pickleball arsenal.

History And Origin Of The Erne Shot

Who Is Erne Perry?

Erne Perry, a professional pickleball player, is widely credited with inventing the signature shot known as the Erne. Known for his exceptional skill and agility on the court, Perry was able to execute this bold move with unmatched precision. His mastery of the Erne shot led to its christening as the Erne shot, a true testament to his influence on the sport.

The Story Behind The Naming Of The Erne Shot

The Erne shot got its name from none other than the player who popularized it, Erne Perry. Perry’s unique playing style and ability to execute this daring shot made it an iconic move in the world of pickleball. This shot involves a player stepping outside the inner part of the court, on the other side of either the right or left sideline, and coming forward to be parallel with the kitchen. Despite standing outside the kitchen and on the other side of the sideline, the player strikes the ball out of the air, very close to the net.

Due to Perry’s exceptional skill and proficiency in performing this shot, it quickly gained recognition among pickleball enthusiasts. As a tribute to his contributions to the sport and the impact this shot had on the game, it was rightfully named after him – the Erne shot.

Benefits And Advantages Of Using The Erne Shot

Increasing Your Aggressiveness On The Court

Playing pickleball requires strategy and the ability to seize opportunities when they arise. One way to increase your aggressiveness on the court is by utilizing the Erne shot. This shot allows you to step outside the inner part of the court and position yourself on the other side of the sideline, closer to the net. By doing so, you can surprise your opponent and take control of the point. The Erne shot is a bold move that requires skill and precision, but it can be a game-changer when executed successfully.

Surprising And Overpowering Your Opponent

The Erne shot is an unpredictable move that can catch your opponent off guard. By approaching the net from an unexpected angle, you create confusion and force your opponent to react quickly. This shot is often played from the air, allowing you to strike the ball close to the net and overpower your opponent with speed and accuracy. The element of surprise can give you the upper hand and put pressure on your opponent, making it harder for them to return your shot effectively.

Creating Opportunities For Winning Points

The Erne shot is not only flashy but also strategic. By positioning yourself closer to the net, you create more opportunities for winning points. When you play the Erne shot, you put pressure on your opponent to hit a difficult shot, potentially leading to errors or weak returns that you can capitalize on. This shot can help you take control of the point and dictate the pace of the game. By mastering the Erne shot, you can become a more aggressive and formidable player on the court. In conclusion, the Erne shot in pickleball offers several benefits and advantages. It allows you to increase your aggressiveness on the court, surprise and overpower your opponent, and create opportunities for winning points. By incorporating the Erne shot into your gameplay, you can take your pickleball skills to the next level and enhance your overall performance. So, why not give it a try and see how this daring move can elevate your game?

Practicing And Mastering The Erne Shot

The Erne shot is a dynamic and aggressive move in pickleball that can help elevate your game to new heights. This shot involves stepping outside the inner part of the court, typically on either the right or left sideline, and coming forward to be parallel with the kitchen. However, instead of standing inside the kitchen, you position yourself just outside the sideline, striking the ball out of the air very close to the net. The Erne shot is named after Erne Perry, a professional player renowned for his exceptional skill in executing this move.

Proper Footwork And Positioning For The Erne Shot

Proper footwork and positioning are crucial when it comes to executing the Erne shot effectively. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

  • Start by anticipating the shot and recognizing the opportunity for an Erne.
  • Quickly move laterally towards the sideline while keeping your eyes on the ball.
  • As you approach the sideline, position yourself just outside the kitchen, ensuring you are parallel with the net.
  • Stay balanced and maintain a low and athletic stance to be ready for a quick reaction to the ball.
  • Keep your paddle up and prepare to strike the ball out of the air.

Techniques And Strategies For Hitting An Effective Erne Shot

Mastering the Erne shot requires not only the right footwork but also the proper technique and strategy. Here are some techniques and strategies to help you hit an effective Erne shot:

  • Timing is key. Aim to strike the ball at the peak of its bounce, allowing for a clean and powerful shot.
  • Focus on your paddle angle. Tilt your paddle slightly downward to create topspin, which helps to keep the ball low and close to the net.
  • Utilize your wrist snap to generate additional power and control. Snap your wrist at the moment of contact for a sharp and accurate shot.
  • Surprise your opponents. Vary the direction and speed of your Erne shot to keep your opponents off-balance and guessing.

Drills And Exercises To Improve Your Erne Shot

To improve your Erne shot and enhance your overall pickleball skills, incorporating specific drills and exercises into your practice routine can be highly beneficial. Here are some drills to help you perfect your Erne shot:

  1. Create a target near the net and practice hitting your Erne shot consistently within that target.
  2. Set up a practice scenario where you simulate various game situations that require the use of the Erne shot.
  3. Work on your footwork and reaction time by practicing quick lateral movements towards the sideline and hitting an Erne shot on-the-move.
  4. Collaborate with a practice partner and take turns hitting Erne shots to each other, creating a game-like situation.

Remember, mastering the Erne shot requires dedication, practice, and a deep understanding of proper footwork, technique, and strategy. By consistently working on these aspects and incorporating targeted drills into your training routine, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a formidable Erne shot player on the pickleball court. Practice, practice, and practice some more, and watch your game soar to new heights!

Implementing The Erne Shot In Game Situations

When To Utilize The Erne Shot

In pickleball, the Erne shot is a daring and strategic move that players can utilize to gain an advantage over their opponents. To effectively implement the Erne shot, it is crucial to understand when and where to use it during the game. Timing is everything when it comes to the Erne shot, and recognizing the right moments to execute it can significantly elevate your gameplay.

Reading The Game And Identifying Opportunities For The Erne Shot

Reading the game and analyzing your opponents’ movements and positions is essential in identifying opportunities for the Erne shot. The Erne shot is most effective when your opponents are positioned deep in their court, leaving the kitchen area vulnerable. By observing their positioning and anticipating their shots, you can position yourself strategically to execute the Erne shot, catching your opponents off guard and increasing your chances of success.

Combining The Erne Shot With Other Shots To Maximize Success

To maximize the success of the Erne shot, it is crucial to combine it with other shots in your arsenal. By seamlessly transitioning between shots, you can create confusion for your opponents and keep them guessing. For example, you can set up the Erne shot by hitting a deep lob shot, forcing your opponents to retreat towards the baseline. As they scramble to return the lob, you can quickly move to the sideline and execute the Erne shot, delivering a powerful strike over the non-volley zone.

Another effective combination is the Erne shot followed by a drop shot. After executing the Erne shot, your opponents will likely be caught off balance and positioned deep in their court. Taking advantage of this moment, you can surprise them with a well-placed drop shot, forcing them to make a difficult recovery and giving you an opportunity to gain control of the net.

Remember, the Erne shot is a skill that requires practice and precision. With time, experience, and a keen eye for game situations, you can master the Erne shot and add it to your repertoire of winning strategies in pickleball.

What is an Erne in Pickleball: Unleash Your Aggressive Style

Credit: pickleballreviews.com

Frequently Asked Questions For What Is An Erne In Pickleball

What Does Erne In Pickleball Stand For?

In pickleball, an Erne is when a player steps outside the inner part of the court and comes forward to be parallel with the kitchen but on the other side of the sideline. It is a shot where the ball is struck out of the air close to the net.

The term “Erne” is named after Erne Perry, a professional player known for his exceptional skill in executing this move.

Why Is It Called Erne?

The Erne in pickleball is named after Erne Perry, a professional player known for his exceptional skill in executing this bold move. It is when a player steps outside the inner part of the court and strikes the ball close to the net, standing outside the kitchen on the other side of the sideline.

How Do You Hit An Ernie In Pickleball?

To hit an Erne in pickleball, step outside the inner court and on the other side of the right or left sideline. Come forward to be parallel with the kitchen but stand outside the kitchen on the other side of the sideline.

Strike the ball out of the air close to the net.

What Is A Bert And Ernie In Pickleball?

An Erne in pickleball is an aggressive shot played from the air over the non-volley zone (kitchen). It’s when a player jumps outside the court and strikes the ball close to the net. A Bert is the same shot, but on your partner’s half of the court.


The Erne shot in pickleball is an aggressive and daring move that adds excitement to the game. Named after professional player Erne Perry, this shot involves stepping outside the inner part of the court and striking the ball out of the air close to the net.

It requires skill and precision to execute successfully. Whether you’re a beginner or advanced player, understanding and mastering the Erne shot can elevate your pickleball game to the next level. So go ahead, practice and surprise your opponents with this impressive shot!

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